FROM: Bayushi Manji's Ninja Spies
Kyuden no Manji

Bayushi Manji Bio

Lies and Little Truths

Shadow Spies (Photos)

2nd report from the Shadow Spies (more photos)

Ports of the Mantis (Links)

Ninja Scroll (Guest Book)


See the results of Rokugan's best spies!

Scorpion Army

Bayushi Shoju

Bayushi Yokuan

Bayushi Togai

Bayushi Tangen

Bayushi Tomaru

A Gunso painted
by my Girlfriend

Bayushi Houseguard

Black Cabal

Shadow Assassin

Scorpion's Strike

Soshi Bantaro

Bayushi Aramoro

The False Hoturi

Yoritomo's Alliance


Veteran Ashigaru
w/ Yumi

Mantis Houseguard

Mantis Yojimbo

A Mantis Gunso


Port Guard


A Mantis Gunso


Wasp Skirmisher