"Lies and Little Truths"
Kyuden no Manji

Bayushi Manji Bio

Lies and Little Truths

Shadow Spies (Photos)

2nd report from the Shadow Spies (more photos)

Ports of the Mantis (Links)

Ninja Scroll (Guest Book)


This page will give you a small sample of the knowledge learned by the Scorpion about the ways of others in Rokugan. Most were taken from the Scorpion Sourcebook (L5r RPG), however; some were written by me personally.

  "An ally of the Scorpion, is a dangerous foe."- Bayushi Manji

"A wise man shouldn't have to see a lion's teeth to know that they are sharp. Likewise, a wise man shouldn't have to be stung by a Scorpion to know it's sting is deadly."- Bayushi Manji

" Be thankful for your enemies, some lessons in life can only be taught by them."- Bayushi Manji

"How easily men are corrupted, and difficult it is to make them just."
- Bayushi Tangen

"The only box that can hold a secret, is a coffin." - Bayushi Tangen

"Life is not fair, it doesn't mean you can't win." - Bayushi Tangen

"Enemies you threaten make armies. Enemies you destroy make graves."
- Bayushi Tangen

"What is behind the throne is more dangerous than what is in it."
- Bayushi Tagen

Shinsei says: "learn to forgive and forget" so I say:" Doing this will only get you fooled again!" - Bayushi Manji

"Need to defeat a Crane? Tell him that battle will ruffle his feathers.
Need to Defeat a Lion? Trip him as he charges.
Need to deafeat a Pheonix? Make him fight.
Need to defeat a Crab? Wait with him.
Need to defeat a Dragon? Make him rely on another's trust.
Need to defeat a Unicorn? Take away his horse.
Need to defeat a Scorpion? Kill yourself while you still can, because either way they're gonna win!" -Bayushi Tangen & Bayushi Manji