Bio of Bayushi Manji
Kyuden no Manji

Bayushi Manji Bio

Lies and Little Truths

Shadow Spies (Photos)

2nd report from the Shadow Spies (more photos)

Ports of the Mantis (Links)

Ninja Scroll (Guest Book)


Card Stats Are:
Ability: " Gains +2F while in a battle, and has +2C when not."

"How can someone so peaceful, be so deadly on the battlefield?" "He hides his deadly tail like a TRUE Scorpion"

Bayushi Manji

  RPG Stats Are:

Rank 3 Scorpion Bushi
AIR 3 (ref. 4)

Archery 1, Defense 3, Iaijutsu 5, Kenjutsu 5, Poison 1, Sincerity 1, Stealth 1, Ninjutsu 2

Ambidexterous, Strength of the Earth (8), Crafty, Heartless, Haunted (Good)


Clanwar Stats Are:
All rings are at rank 3

SKILLS: Battle 2, Leadership 3, Fearless, Frenzy

"Gains the Frenzy ability and may make up 3 strikes once Frenzied."

2 Katanas, Light Armor
COST:210 Koku

History of Bayushi Manji:
Bayushi Manji is a Scorpion Samurai unlike any seen before. He is peaceful and reclussive, a fact which doesn't gain him many friends within the Scorpion ranks, yet neither does it gain him any foes. However in a battle he is one the best samurai, and a force to be feared. However, Manji's life has been full of hardships.

During his training, Manji found that he was unlike the others who trained with him. He felt no need to lie and manipulate others. He felt that a life of honor would be worth more than that of treachery. Yet out of fear, he said nothing about his feelings to anyone. Manji, served Bayushi Shoju, Daimyo to the Scorpion clan well; yet he was unhappy. Only after his father, Bayushi Shinook, had died (which was shortly after he passed his "gempuku") did he decide to act on his previous feelings.

Manji moved around from place to place, untill finally settling down and building a small house for himself next to "Mizu-Umi No Fuko" (Lake of Sorrows). Knowing the tales of it being haunted by the souls of fallen samurai from the numerous battles, Manji was finally the peaceful recluse he had dreamed of before. He changed the Kimono he wore from the red & black of the Scorpion to, white & black. He felt the black symbolized his scorpion side, while the white symbolized his pure and peaceful nature. However, out of respect he always will formaly wore red & black when inside any castle grounds or in the presence Daimyos from any clan.

For once Manji felt his life was worth something. He painted, wrote poetry, and he was happy. Yet it wouldn't stay that way for long. Soon after the completion of his house, Manji was plagued with nightmares and strange occurances. It didn't take him long before he realized the stories of the hauntings were true. Yet there was one spirit who proved to be an ally and protecter in the night. For days and nights, Manji called out to the ghost who had watched over him, thanking him, and making offerings to the spirit if it would just return and stay. One night the ghost did come, and to Manji's suprise it was his father, Bayushi Shinook.

Manji was so overjoyed at his father's return, even though Shinook had died of old age; his ghost didn't look over 30. From then on, life was wonderful, he was alone; yet never totally, and he had his father with him for eternity.

Manji lived at that house for years. He faught in many battles, and served with both the Scorpion and his allies in the Mantis clan. Never before, has the "Lake of Sorrows" brought so much happiness to one man's life. In due time, he rose in the ranks untill Shoju granted him more land and he was able to erect "Kyuden no Manji" right next the small house built once before. With his father still at his side, he is confident in his future. He has slain legions, yet still remains peaceful outside of battle.

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Manji doing what he does best!

A Manji Self-portrait